Monday, 18 October 2010

At Long Last

Well it too me a while but I've finally seen Joe Satriani! Wahey! Did I metion I met him as well? No, suppose not seeing as this is only the second sentence. Anyway, I did. And I've got the pics to prove it :)

So this whole adventure (and to lend a sort of 'Boys' Own' feel to this I will call it such) started 10 hours before it finished with us setitng off for the Mecca of Greasy Chips, dodgy carparks and Ticket Touts that is the Manchester Apollo. As I had coughed up and undisclosed amount for the Hallowed Meet and Greet Upgrade Package we had to be there for 4pm (sharp it said in the email, PLEASE BE ON TIME) So naturally we got into Manchester at about 3pm...Anyway 15 mins chilly waiting around later and we were ushered in (well, not really 'ushered' but it sounds good) and given The Goody Bag. This simple bit of future Plastic Pollution contained not only a rather nice VIP laminate inscribed 'NO Backstage Access. NO Admission without a ticket'....yeah that was a bit of a disappointment as I missed the 'no' the first time. Yes, so not only did it contain that, but also contained a Very Very nice Limited Edition Poster (Mine's #38 of 300 btw :)), a JS Strap (which I nearly bought a while ago-potential D'oh Moment avoided) and a few JS Picks. Swish.

 So we could hear a muffled version of Pyrrhic Victoria from the Stage, which sure enough meant Soundcheck was in full swing. But for some reason we weren't allowed in to see/hear it. Boo. Instead we were taken to a rather posh bar area and told he wouldn't be too long and to sit (or rather stand) tight. 45 mins or so later The Man Himself arrived. I'd promised myself I wouldn't do a Wayne's World 'We Are Not Worthy' at his feet, but I couldn't help myself. Actually, that's a lie. I didn't, I just couldn't believe it was him! I couldn't believe The Man Himself was stood there right in front of me! I couldn't believe he was so short! No, that's unfair. I'm just rather tall. Compared to my 6 feet and 4 odd inches, most people seem small. So we had about an hour's Q and A with him. The usual 'So Joe, what's your take on using the E Minor Diminished 7th TrixyLodian Scale with a Harmoniser set to 4ths?' question were asked. And don't get me wrong, they were a fascinating insight into how his Brain works, but I do get bored of hearing the same things all the time so I started to consider my question. Do you have any pets? Where do you go on holiday? Etc. I decided to ask the old Desert Island question.

Me: 'So Joe, you're stuck on a desert island. You're allowed one Luxury Item, one book and 3 albums. What would they be?'
Joe: Well, the luxury item would be a Jet. And the book would be How To Fly a Jet. (that's cheating I thought, but I let him off). Albums, Electric Ladyland by Hendrix, Exile on Main Street by the Rolling Stones and I'll have to think about the 3rd one. I'll get back to you.'
Only, he didn't!!!! So if you want to spam him with tweets (@chickenfootjoe) or Facebook messages asking him 'John from Manchester Meet and Greet wants to know what you're 3rd album would be.' please, feel free :) I'll send you a cookie.

So after the Ubiquitous JoePhoto (which I was quite nervous before...mustn't have Zombie my hair ok? Does she know how to use the camera? How do I know he's not an imposter?) I think it turned out ok :)
Got a few album thingies signed....and the poster which now resides in the middle of my wall above my bed, next to the Hendrix one (in case you were planning on breaking into my house and snaffling it....I should warn you. I have a Guard Towel keeping watch....)

What next? Well, that was it with Joe. So about an hour after he walked in, he walked out again and off into the sunset. (well, not quite). We then tramped back down to the actual theatre to have a tour of Joe's Guitar World. (slightly smaller than expected if I'm honest. I was expecting at least a few GuardTigers or at least something more than a few guitars and a Dude changing some strings!

Oh, and I got a sneaky peak at his SuperSecret Pedalboard:

Then, the plan was for me to meet Dad and got to get some food before the gig. Only problem was we finished the Meet and Greet about half an hour before the start we settled for just meeting up. One thing I was NOT prepared for was the size of the queue outside! It was at least 300 yards long about half an hour before the doors opened! 

Onto the show...well, what can I say. Apart from AWESOME. and EPIC...(get used to those words, they're going to be used a fair few times.) Words can't sum up just how good a performance it was. All I can say is, thank God for earplugs! 
I think these were all the songs he no partiuclar order though-my memory's not that good! Really good to hear some of the old ones in there...two points: hearing Big Bad Moon was awesome (see) and taking part in Crowd Chant was something special!

Dream Song
Pyrrhic Victoria
Light Years Away
Littleworth Lane
Wormhole Wizards
Wind In The Trees
God Is Crying
Crystal Planet
Summer Song
Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing
Big Bad Moon
Hordes Of Locusts
Ice 9
Always With Me, Always With You
Satch Boogie
Crowd Chant

Oh, and before I forget. If you EVER go to the same gig as me and get up frequently to empty your bladder because you've drunk too much beer (which you also had to get up multiple times for) I will break your legs and strap you into your seat. Just a heads up :)

Off to see Jeff Beck tomorrow. Don't expect another blog post, this took frickin ages....


Thursday, 3 June 2010

Revenge of the 4th Cats! (almost)

Well, I am recovering from a rather interesting evening's racing as I type. The setting, Round 8 of the CDNW Road Race League. The race, a 30mile handicap for all categories. Everyone expected the usual shortlived display of courage from the lower category riders followed by the inevitable annhialation of most riders not lucky enough to be and Elite or 1st/2nd Cat. It did not however turn out exactly as expected.

I should just point out that in a handicap race, the lower categories get a headstart on the 'stronger' riders. In this case, my group of 4th Cats (and a woman, hats off to her) was off first, followed 2 mins later by the 3rds, and 6 mins later by the Elites 1sts and 2nds. 

So I must say I was quite apprehensive about this bit, after having looked on the start sheet to find there were only 11 of us due to start in this first group compared to 20+ in the other two groups. But we pressed on regardless and it quite quickly became clear there were only a handful of us willing/able to work to drive the group along; and it quite quickly fractured leaving a leading group of 7. To cut a long story short, we kept the other groups pegged at about 1 min 20 and 2 mins 40 respectively. We achieved this through teamwork. Sounds simple, but we quite quickly realised that if we wanted to have any chance of staying away and any of us winning we'd have to keep this group together. And so it progressed until with about 3 laps to go they started eating into our lead; and by the last lap we only had about 40 secs to the big 'Scratch' group of everyone else (as the Elite group had caught the 3rds earlier on). No need to panic though as we kept assuring ourselves, they can't go that much quicker...can they? Well yes, they could, and did. And so it fell to the last corner to play the pivotal role in my race. 

The last corner was about 500m from the finish (500m uphill by the way), and just as we got to it someone shouted 'they're right behind us'. Now, one of our group had gone clear a few mins earlier, and I thought he was still clear ahead-so I decided to 'have a go' as they say and sprinted off round this corner and up towards the finish. I quite quickly realised that he had in fact been swallowed by our mini group just before the corner and that I was actually in with a chance of winning! If my sprint could hold of course....perhaps fortunately (or unfortunately depending on which way you look at it) I never found out, because about 200m from the line there was a 'whoosh' as most of the Scratch group sprinted past me. Bugger. I could NOT believe it...7 4th Cats had worked DAMN hard all the way through only to have collective victory snatched from them on the line.

But that, as they say, is bike racing. C'est la vie...:)

Friday, 16 April 2010

Training Camp....(a.k.a hols)

First post for a while...largely because nothing that interesting has been happening really...

Anyway, I've just got back from a short break away; first in the Forest of Bowland area and then further North near Penrith.

Here are a few pics:
This is at the top of Bowland Knotts....rather a big climb as the view shows.

This is Lamb's big. Takes bloody ages to get up as well :S

Now moving onto Hartside, nearly 5 miles of climbing to get this view....

And this, the country's highest piece of land-abiding chocolate cake (in the country's highest cafe) at the time ;)

Here's something to consider:
It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.

Nope, not the musings of some whimsical philosopher or physicist; it's from a it, you'll like it I'm sure :)

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Eddie Soens-1, Me-0

Well, what can I say? I wasn't allowed finish, which is irritating until I consider how the race went.

My group (which unfortunately for me today included the 'Juniors') went off first; and instead of going at a brisk start-of-race pace like it should have done I was up to 30mph+ just to keep up! Long story short me and 3 other guys found ourselves just off the back but unable to put the extra speed in...Let me tell you, it was FAST. I mean really fast when you consider the group consisted of Juniors (under 18's) and 4th Category Seniors. We're supposed to be slow(er) apparently...yeah right, 34mph average speed until they caught the Elites!!! Junior my ARSE.

Anyhoo, we were swept up by the Biiig bunch a few laps later and everything was back to normal. Except this group had the Elites in....erk....No big problem really as it turned out, providing I was hidden in the middle. You don't know speed 'till you're sandwedged in the middle of a group of racing bikeys doing 30mph plus-trust me on that one. This nice state of calm hung around a few more laps and then. Well, how can I put this? A Team (not sure which, and I'm not going to point the finger at any in particular *cough* Raleigh *cough*) got on the front and decided to make us all suffer. I was rather alarmed to see myself travelling backwards when this happened, but didn't panic as there were more riders behind me that I could use to get back in the group. Or so I thought...

One problem with riding in a group (and this must apply to racing, although as a veteran of only 1 I'm no expert) is that once you lose the wheel of the guy in front you have to work 60% harder to maintain the same speed - and in a race situation that means you go backwards unless you've got the legs for it.

Today, I didn't have the legs to propel myself at a greater speed than the main bunch in order to catch them. Such is life. So there I was on my own for a few laps until the main field lapped me and I was told to retire by the Commisaire...annoying really as I wanted to finish and was quite prepared to do so alone. 

So in the end it was a Junior 1-2-3....and it's only the second time a Junior has won apparently. Good going really.

Well I learnt a LOT today....more of a Baptism of Fire and Brimstone than just fire....but make no mistake I will be racing again (soon hopefully)!

.....who knows, I might even finish ;)

Friday, 5 March 2010

T-1 Day....

ell, it's the day before my first race of the season (and first ever proper race) and everything is sorted. Well, if you ignore the bike, and clothing. And what to eat....and I could go on; but I won't as it'll probably make a me a little nervous...Anyway watch this space for a full report/moan tomorrow! 

(Disclaimer: I may be too knackered/dead to post tomorrow so 'tomorrow' may be any time in the future...)

Lets hope I don't fail as much as this guy: ;)

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Blogging on the move...

I'm actually writing this as I speed home after a partially aborted few days away. The reason for said departure? Snow. Yep, our old friend is back again (how many agains are we at now I wonder?).

This time it was doubly irritating as not only did I had a really nice route planned on new (!) roads, I was going to ride home, which is something I was really looking forward to. :(

Had this been a normal sunday at home, my routine would have gone something like this:
-get up
-open curtains
-swear and get back into bed muttering about the snow.

However, I had to make do with just swearing this morning. C'est la vie comme les francais disent!

Maybe the snow will have thawed around home by the time I get back...

Sunday, 7 February 2010

How many punctures?!

Well well that was an interesting ride today. 70 (ish) miles in 4 hours (ish). Would have been quicker too if we hadn't had 6 separate punctures. Yes, you heard me correctly, 6. Two guys punctured their same respective wheels twice...That adds up to about an hour stood at the side of the road watching people get REALLY cold fingers fiddling with tiny tires.

I appear to have come out of today unscathed (not wishing to jinx myself), which is perhaps thanks to my big-ass 28mm section tyres...yep I ride a proper Winter Bike, it's even got a fetching 20 year old gold mudguard on the back at the moment as the horribly rough pot-holey roads broke my other. Jealous? ;)

Anyway, we went to the rather delightful Cobble Hey cafe (which does excellent chocolate cake btw)....oh and the best thing about that cafe (apart from the food) is that it has a fire :-O...which is very welcome let me tell you on a day like today. Did I mention it was cold? No? Well it was flumpingly cold (I had to invent a word to describe how cold it was). 

Another good thing about that cafe is that it's at the top of a hill; and the reason that's good is because some of us climb hills better than others...which basically means that I usually get a seat near the fire ;)

....Now if you'll excuse me I've got some 'recovering' to do.

Just saw this on Dave, quite spectacular and scary crash-but don't worry folks, they were both unhurt!

Thursday, 4 February 2010

GPS Fail!!!!

This made me laugh....
On my Twitter profile it lists my location as Ã¼t: 53.65514,-2.76836, which when clicked on in Tweetdeck, takes you straight to Yahoo Maps, that says (and I quote, although you can look for yourself) 

'We could not find the exact location you asked for but here's Doole, TX 76836 instead.'

Texas? Seriously? Wow....

Ok, it's because I use UberTwitter and it's listed as 'UT:' then co-ordinates that Yahoo panicked-but it still makes me laugh that they thought: "hey, we don't now where that is, so lets suggest Doole Texas!!!" Great...anyway here's quite possibly one of THE funniest videos YouTube has, enjoy:

Saturday, 30 January 2010

The Merits of Two Feet instead of Two Wheels....

Today we went walking. Which makes a change from cycling-not necessarily a welcome one at first thought, but definitely a good idea retrospectively :)

Anyway, I find walking's really good for blowing out the cobwebs upstairs and to show what such a nice day today was, I thought I'd take a few piccers:

Where's all this you ask? Near Feizor in *cough* Yorkshire...

These 2 below are from the top of Bowland Knotts, a rather large fell with quite a reputation. We drove up today, but sooner or later I'll ride it! 

Anyway, enough of this no-bike nonsense, it's back up early tomorrow morning for a nice sharp 5 hour run up North! Can't wait :)

Tonight I leave you with this...and remember, j'etudie le francais ;) 

(and P.S: I have NO IDEA why there are two random spaces here-I can't get rid of them :S sorry)

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Winter...bah Humbug.

That was a fairly 'interesting ride it must be said...a very glustery wind (that's a new word combining 'blustery' and 'gusty' btw) and low misty cloud. Or as we Brits call it, a pretty average day...

Here are some fotos to show you what I mean:

Both were taken up Ashurst Beacon, a rather lovely hill near Parbold.

Oh, and there's an really really quick downhill further on called Bank Top. By quick I mean 45mph+ quick. On a bike. :-O Buttock clenching stuff...;)

Tuesday, 26 January 2010


Interesting topic are a couple of my fav discoveries, some new, some old that you might like to sample:

Anyway.... this still makes me cringe every time I see it:


Tuesday....Fear it!

I realised today that there's something odd about Tuesdays and College. I hear your snort of derision, but hear me out:
  • Today, there had been an accident and two cars had gone off the road on a lovely tight 's' bend about 5 mins from College. Nothing odd there I hear you say, that's true-but we ended up waiting for about 10 mins while one was winched out of a ditch then got to College at about 3 mins to 9.
  • A few weeks ago (when it was really cold...remember that?) it snowed badly on a Tuesday-and College closed as a result.
  • More than a few weeks ago, our bus (which has to turn round down a one way road every journey) couldn't get reverse gear-so we were stuck there for about 10 mins while the driver attempted (successfully as it turned out) to get reverse. Result? Got to College at about 8:56.
  • Even more weeks before that, our bus actually broke down before we got to College....and as a result we were late.
And to top all of that off, the bus very very nearly broke down as we were leaving College this afternoon! 

You may be interested to know I Googled 'Tuesday', 'weird facts about Tuesday' etc, but to no avail. All this leaves me thinking that there's something sinister going on. Or perhaps I'm just waaaay overdue for a holiday...

So now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to hide in a corner unless something else goes wrong. Happy Tuesday!

(Btw, if that's left you feeling bemused/paranoid/worried  then please enjoy this with my compliments: Muppets)

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Well today's ride turned out to be far more epic than I'd expected from a quick afternoon spin...

It was raining as I set off (it had been raining most of the day tbh) and I had the age old Cyclist problem of riding in a Cape. You see, Capes make you feel like Rice. Yep, Rice. I say that, because life goes along all rosy until someone (often yourself) decides to 'turn the heat up' and make you work....then it's rather like Boil in the Bag. Literally. So there I was quietly perspiring (it's still raining btw) and I decided to spice up the ride by making it up as I went of course I got lost within the hour. Have I mentioned the fact that there was an EVIL headwind? No? Well there was.

My normal route into Southport was Ok, it was just when I tried to replicate a route me and my Dad used last Wednesday (but in reverse) that the problems began. The problem was pretty simple really: Southport has FAR too many roads, bridges and roundabouts that look EXACTLY the same as all the others. So in short I emerged rather chillier and a little unnerved not far from where I'd entered the town originally about 45mins earlier. Rather a pointless loop really. But I got to practice my eating whilst riding skills when I was forced to eat a rather frozen cereal bar somewhere on the Moss back roads (which takes some doing believe you me) so it wasn't a complete loss :)

Oh, and I only passed one other bikey in the whole 2 hours....and he was going the other way back into the Village as I was leaving. Bit of an omen perhaps...

So to summarise:

  • Rain make cycling not fun
  • Wind make cycling in cape and rain even more not fun.
  • Getting lost really doesn't help the situation.
  • Chocolate Geobars are like Rocket Fuel when you're hungry :) 

Now if you'll excuse me I have Biology revision :)

Bored? Well read on....

I just HAVE to share this, it is...wait for it....First Person Tetris! Truly awesome it must be said :)

A blog eh?

Hmmm...this is new. I've been meaning to get one of these things for ages really...and now's not exactly the best time as I should be revising!

So what's this for exactly? I hear you cry...
Not sure myself to be honest, I quite like the idea of having a medium through which to discuss the finer intellectual topics of the moment. In other words, have a rant :)

So watch this space and follow me on Twitter while you're at it.

Or have a search around on my cycling club's website (and you might just see me pop up on a few results pages ;)
Cheers :)